SSMB12 - Selenium Webdriver With Java

Basic course on start using Selenium WebDriver for software test automation
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Course Overview

This introductory course is designed to familiarize testing professionals with the basics of testing web applications using Selenium. Testers can build, enhance, and maintain scripts in the Editor. The focus is on the practical application of Selenium to resolve common web automated testing challenges. This course focuses on getting started with Selenium. All topics are supported by extensive hands-on exercises that are based on real-life examples designed to provide the knowledge necessary to automate testing using Selenium Webdriver.

Main Topics Covered: 

  1. History of Selenium WebDriver?
  2. Why use Selenium Webdriver?
  3. Downloading and configuring WebDriver, Firebug and FirePath Addons in Firefox
  4. WebDriver and WebElement Interface
  5. Drivers for Firefox, IE, Chrome, HtmlUnit Driver etc
  6. First Selenium WebDriver Code
  7. Identifying WebElement and different types of Locators (id, name, xpath, css, link, class,tagname)
  8. Verification and Assertions and use of verify or assertion
  9. Different methods in Navigation class - Navigate To, Back, Forward and Refresh
  10. Different type of Browser Commands - GetTitle, GetCurrentURL, GetPageSource, Close, Quit
  11. Usage of Browser Commands
  12. Detail of Xpath locator and building Xpath for web element and managing variable Xpath
  13. Detail of CSS locator and building CSS for web element
  14. Handling Links, Input box, Buttons, Radio button, Check box, Images
  15. Handling Combo box, List box, WebList , WebTable
  16. Handling Other HTML Tags, Dynamic objects
  17. Extracting links and other web elements
  18. Selenium Wait and Different types of wait statements.
  19. Driver Timeouts - Implicit Timeout, Page Load Timeout, Script Timeout
  20. UI Support Timeout - Fluent Wait, WebDriver Wait, Explicit Wait, Expected Conditions, UI Sleeper, Browser Launcher Sleeper
  21. Handling Ajax Application
  22. Pop up handling in Selenium - JavaScript alert messages with Selenium
  23. Window handles and handle multiple windows
  24. Tabbed browsing with Selenium
  25. iFrame and handle iFrame with Selenium
  26. Capturing screenshots with WebDriver
  27. Introduction to Java Robot API
  28. Introduction to Auto IT
  29. Introduction to Sequel framework
  30. How to upload, download files using AutoIt / Robot API / Sequel framework
  31. Simulating the Keyboard Keypress event
  32. Simulating Pressing Enter Button of Keyboard
  33. Extracting Data From WebTable
  34. Attaching files with Selenium
  35. Mouse movement with Selenium- Mouse Interface
  36. Mouse over/ Hover with Selenium
  37. Browser profiles and user authentication models
  38. What is Browser Profile - FireFox profile, IE profile
  39. HTTP user authentication in Mozilla, IE
  40. Certificate handle in Mozilla, IE
  41. Selenium Exception Handling
  42. Handling cookies
  43. Configuration from properties file
  44. Log4j Logging
  45. Generating the HTML and Excel reports
  46. Capture Screen shot and Capture Video
  47. Emailing test reports
  48. Introduction to Automation Framework
  49. Benefits of using Automation Framework
  50. Introduction of reusable utility and Defined Function
  51. Introduction to reusable script base
  52. Different types of Automation Framework
  53. Introduction to Modular Driven Framework
  54. Introduction to Page Object Model Framework
  55. Introduction to Page Factory and FindBy annotation
  56. Analyze test execution report
  • Java
  • Selenium Webdriver
  • Quality Assurance Profession

About the Author

Course Curriculum

Selenium WebDriver With Java

  • Selenium - 1
  • Selenium - 2
  • Selenium - 3
  • Selenium - 4
  • Selenium - 5
  • Selenium - 6
  • Selenium - 7
  • Selenium - 8
  • Selenium-9
  • Selenium-10
  • Selenium-11
  • Selenium- 12
  • Selenium- 13
  • Selenium- 14
  • Selenium - 15
  • Selenium - 16
  • Selenium - 17
  • Selenium - 18


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